9 Hits for "fotografia archeologiczna"
Aerial Archaeology
In the album I present archaeological relics from Poland photographed from the air. Most often, I photographed strongholds with a visible...
160 images
Aerial Photography. Photos taken from kite, balloon and oktokopter.
Album contains my favourite aerial photos. They were taken from different types of aerial machines. I am using tethered balloons, kites and...
169 images
Egypt excavations in Tell el Retaba
Photos from a trip to Egypt for excavations at the Tell el Retaba site. In Ramessite times there was a fortress defending the way from the...
40 images
In July 2009, I had the opportunity to work at Tomasz Waliszewski's excavations in Lebanon. I photographed at the archaeological sites in...
58 images
I went to Montenegro to make photographic documentation of archaeological monuments from the ground and from the air. Traditionally, I did...
25 images
Peru excavations in Huarmey
In the album I present photos from my trip to non-invasive archaeological research in Peru. For three weeks we worked first at the Castillo...
82 images
Tanais excavations in Russia
Photos from a week-long excavation trip to Russia. The purpose of my stay was to take pictures from the kite of the Polish excavation....
34 images